NOTICE OF SCHEDULE CHANGES: Airporter Shuttle service is currently suspended at the Birch Bay shuttle stop. Resumption of service to be determined.
Bellair Charters / Airporter Shuttle offers 1 Birch Bay shuttle stop for your travel convenience:

WTA PARK & RIDE – 8115 Birch Bay Square Street, Blaine
General Info: Advance reservations for pick-up at Birch Bay WTA Park & Ride are required.
Directions: From I-5 take Exit 270 heading west on Birch Bay Lynden Road. Turn right onto Portal Way and then right again into Birch Bay Squre. The WTA Park & Ride bus shelter is immediately to the right.
Boarding Location: Board the shuttle at the northwest end of Birch Bay Square at the WTA Park & Ride shelter.
Parking Info: Free day parking is available. For long-term parking, please contact Birch Bay Square to make arrangements – or (360) 920-3822
Shuttle parking is available in the WTA Park & Ride area. Any vehicle parked outside of this area is subject to being towed away.